I'm always look there for inexpensive fun tarot kits, but I’ve never gotten lucky before. Not thinking at all about the date I impulse bought, something I rarely do. Not knowing anything about the deck or what the art was like, the price was right so I just went for it.

Now I’ve got this really interesting looking book. I could use my other decks with it however; when I get fixated I’m not too keen on forcing myself to switch gears. I am engrossed right now with learning to read pip cards. Kismet had me find this deck on the same day I picked up the book – so I will do all the exercises in it with my new Celtic Tarot!
Since I’m not new to tarot I could never do the exercises without preconceived ideas about the images on the cards. One of the first things the book says to do is “put away all reference and definitions books.” Can’t put them out of my head! Overlaying images from memory of other decks seems pointless. When it comes to reading pips I am a newbie, so it works out perfect!
Here's a spread I did working with the four suits.
The Essence Spread (Part One).