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These will be good things for me to focus on this week, especially since I have a four-year-old son with Autism who is out of school for the week. “Accept your limitations…Be realistic in your expectations…Manage your time…” they could be my mantras for the week! Our son has come so far in his language, and the social skills are starting to show progress too. Sometimes I forget he’s different until I see him around other kids his age. In the beginning it was front and center all the time.
We got help from great in-home therapists when he was younger. Now he’s working with special ed. teachers at pre-school who are all wonderful. But it wouldn’t be realistic to think that how he interacts with his family isn’t crucial for continued improvement. Since I’m at home, most of his interaction is with me. Reflecting on this card during the week will keep me focused.
The interpretation of this card is usually much harsher; defeat, humiliation, etc. I know I’ve seen time management referenced before, but I can’t remember where and I’m not finding anything on the internet either.
The way I read the 5 of swords is as a combination of XVII The Star (Hope) and XVI The Tower (Restructuring).
For this one-card reading I’m taking the 5 of Swords as a warning. I need to streamline (restructure) my expectations (hopes). I won’t be able to reach all my goals and if I try I might lose what’s already been achieved.
So I’m going to cut myself some slack on my lack of domestic skills and stop trying so hard. I’ll get done what needs to get done and make sure that I stop whatever I’m doing when my kid is open to connecting with me.